Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is this someone's kitchen?

One of the bright spots in my day is Catalog Living. It always makes me laugh and has truly changed how I look at the immeasurable amount of catalogs I get.

This gem was there a couple of days ago: Here's the original post.


Don't get me wrong, I love open shelves and the tractor seat stools are fantastic. I guess the clock replaces the egg timer that was lost last year- either that or it didn't match and there was nowhere to hide it.

Think they draw water from the well outside?

What do you think? Is it too far-fetched, even for a catalog?

Let's hear it, people.


  1. Hahaha! I totally agree! I feel like this is not based in reality. At all. If those pendants & that clock weren't there, I'd swear I was looking at a museum display of a kitchen 150 years ago. :)

  2. I'm with you on this ridiculous kitchen. I mean, c'mon!! How hard does it look like your trying to be something with this kitchen. Absurd - it is soooo forced.

  3. Can you imagine my 4 daughters in there? How about when our friends Tom and Karen come over with their 3 children?

    They would eat that home made bread.

  4. I like the light fixtures. What are those things serving as bases for the overhead lights? They look like assemblies of pulleys of some kind. The tractor seats are cool! If you're going to sit down for a four course dinner of bread only, might as well have an austere stool to sit on!

  5. It's missing fire torches & wooly mammoth carcasses, I think.

    (I also think I got this same catalog & had the same reaction.)

  6. It is a mix between the Clampets' kitchen and some Eqyptian home, I'd guess. Secretly, I'm coveting the tractor seats, though. I do wonder how much bread they eat a day or how good their teeth are.

    Seriously, it is too much of a mix of too many designs. Maybe the water is in the living room, similar to @Paul_Anater's latest post about faucets or something. Umm....I'll keep my outdated kitchen, thanks.

  7. I don't even acknowledge this as a kitchen, merely a grouping of monotone items and some potatoes. Much like the people that probably think this looks good.

  8. Thanks Lindsey, Bob and James for your comments- glad I wasn't alone in my assessment!

    John- the lights are totally a pulley system... must admit, doesn't look awful.

    Becky- I knew that fire torches would make this space work!

    Amy- The Beverly Egyptian-billys? Interesting. ;-)

    Madam- What can I say? Pure gold, my friend.

  9. I was going to comment that from potatoes you can make fries, but it would seem we'd have a surfeit of fries. I want this for my kitchen, along with my apron, cap, water from those cistern-looking things on the sides, and womanly feelings about paring with my uncared-for teeth. Excuse me while I hunt for a hearth to replace that stove.

  10. I might be too practical, but this whole kitchen is a dust catcher. I would want to wash the dishes just before using them.

  11. I think that this kitchen is stuck in the past. Cmon, this need renovation! I don't get any classic vibes from it.

  12. OK, this might be just me, but dishes sitting out in the open like that only work if they are being used, rotated and washed--a lot, otherwise, out collecting dust, animal dander, etc ;-) I am w/you on those tractor seats as well.

  13. Um, where does one hide their ugly kitchen appliances and what about the junk drawer and what exactly goes in those large urns - waste??? :) Yeah that is a little too far fetched for even out there design! Definitely doesn't make me want to linger there - but maybe that is the point. That said, i like the island. New follower - linked over from Alabama Bloggers - Jennifer (Green Door Girl at greendoordesigns.blogspot.com) - not too far from you in Auburn :)

  14. Really? A lesson in how to take neutrals and food into a dead zone. I do LOVE the island - those urns are for what, compost? recycles?
