Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Plumen Project - Hulger Concept CFL

Everyone knows that I like "pretties" and these lights certainly qualify. When compact florescent first hit the market, the novelty of the swirled bulb wore off about as fast as a marker on a dry erase board. I was discouraged at how plain they seemed(before you chide me and say that regular bulbs are boring too, at least we could do filament... they are way cool).

Hulger launched a concept called Plumen and each time I see them bouncing around the web I get excited. While they are only available in Europe right now, they do have a "coming soon" button for those of us in the rest of the world. Needless to say, I'll have these.

                                           PLUMEN BULB LOOP from Plumen on Vimeo.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The William Cooktop

Sometimes I wish I could hurry myself in to the future and take advantage of some of the fun kitchen gadgetry that will surely be easy to find. The William cook-top is one of those items, and really doesn't seem that far-fetched.

Couple of fantastic options to The William:

-Uses 85% of the surface area as cookpace- Talk about efficient use of space... Can accommodate up to 21 different cook surfaces.

-Touch screen control with specific temperature controls and timers.

- Child-locks and automatic shut offs after a pot/pan is removed for 60 seconds.

Really, seems like the perfect cook-top.

Watch this vid:

I'll take two.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our homes to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! We hope that you take a moment and remember all the things that make our lives better(like good cabinets, counter tops and those awesome folks that get them in for you). 

Have a great day, and don't eat too much!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade Balloon Fest

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us once again and a Thanksgiving #LetsBlogOff to get us all ready for the holiday season, I thought it would be neat to take a look back and some of the wackier balloons that have graced the Macy's parade route over the years.

 Pinocchio (1937)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hammer me a sink, please

Not much better on a Monday morning to have a rush of good feelings like those I have when I see a good hand hammered sink. Native Trails is the supplier of good looks this morning.

Couldn't resist sharing.

And Monday is a happy day. Have a good start to the week folks!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tailgating - Shoot-A-Brew Cooler

Just when you feel that can getting slightly empty, the thought of convincing someone else to bring you a fresh spot of your favorite beverage becomes evident. You remind everyone that you must hold down this lawn-chair for fear of it floating away- and still no one volunteers to bring you a drink.

Never an issue... anymore!

Enter the Shoot-A-Brew cooler. Ultra-fantasticness.

The cooler will hold a case of whatever satisfies the thirst you're having with a specific compartment for ice. A water-proof remote is included and will the favorite button to push at the tailgate. The cooler can toss a standard beverage 8 feet or so every 2 seconds. Drink up! 

Doesn't hurt that they have some rockin' promo videos. You can pre-order these gems at the Shoot-A-Brew site but you should really hurry because it'll be limited production. For just $295, it's better than paying someone to run to the cooler for you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Find - EcoSmart Fire

Not going to spend a whole lot of typing time on EcoSmart Fire- happy to let the photos do the talking. If you haven't seen these, they burn bio ethanol and some are vent-free. Let's say it together class.... GREEN fireplace!

As cold weather approaches(or is already where you're at), these lovelies are sure to send some warmth your way.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

True Colors - Stop Motion

Today is a paint day at Cupboards- I'll likely end up with paint in my hair.

Thought that a bit of inspiration would get me going in the right direction. The video is part of an art project called True Colors. After 4 months, tons of paint and around 5000 individual shots, this 5 minute video emerged.  Love it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

24K Gold Toilet Brush Holder

There are a few things that warrant a bit of price splurge in home products: nice bed linens, a good set of flatware, fluffy bath towels, etc.

This is not on that list(well, not on my list at least).

Oh yeah, it's gold. 24K(plate) in fact. Unless your name is Midas, not really sure this makes a considerable bit of sense in one's bathroom decor. (I keep mine in the closet anyway- don't want it out all the time)

But if you can't live without this, you can buy it at Pioneer Linens for a mere $575. Made by Windisch in Spain, when you purchase it they'll throw in free gift wrap.

When you aren't using it to clean the throne, you can use it as a scepter! All hail the kings and queens of clean!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#LetsBlogOff - Thanksgiving-palooza

Today on the #letsblogoff series, Thanksgiving! 

It really didn't take long for me to think so some of the finer Thanksgiving memories I've had over the years. I'd like to share eight of my favorite things about Thanksgiving(in no particular order, of course).

1. No presents. 

This actually might be my favorite part of Thanksgiving. With the commercialization of seemingly every other major holiday it's nice to have a day where we can eat and be merry without the worry of giving an impersonal gift card or receiving another sweater(and not a cashmere one, I assure you). 

2. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade(specifically, the Rockettes)

Thanks Mom, for this one. I still watch the parade every year to see the Rockettes. It's nice when they are close to the front of the parade so I don't have to sit there all morning. 

3. Wacky Parade Balloons 

Granted, I wasn't around in 1937 to see this Pinnochio-looking fella float through the NYC parade route, but each time I see it I marvel at it's strangeness. Modern day examples would be: that random silver bunny from a couple years ago, Pikachu, the headless dinosaur, Smoky the Bear(You can prevent Central Park fires), etc.

4. Katie Couric

Thanks Katie for the good years of hosting the Macy's Parade, and darn you for getting to big to do it now. I miss Katie and Willard like whoa.

5. Autumnal Tablescapes

Because Martha Stewart says so. 

6. Cranberry Sauce

Maybe your family eats cranberry sauce more than once a year, but not this bunch. To be completely honest, I don't think we have turkey every year(I can tear up some dressing though). Certainly, one doesn't have to eat the canned stuff(there are some pretty good recipes out there) but is there anything more fun than watching someone shake it out of a can and hearing that very distinctive plopping sound?

7. Packers/Lions

Wanna hear my schedule for Thanksgiving? Load up my plate with my grandmother's dressing and aforementioned cranberry sauce and sit on the sofa(aka children's area) and watch the Packers and Lions. In Alabama, it's unlikely there could be a more uninteresting football game. It is football though, and we will watch it.

8. Dessert(especially if someone made some Paula Deen treats)

Not sure I want Paula actually making the pie/cake, considering she blended up a glass bowl as one of the ingredients trying to show Oprah how it's done. 


So I guess that's about it. Of course it's nice to see my family and visit and etc... as long as they aren't blocking the tv while the parade is on. Sheesh!

Happy nearly Thanksgiving to you guys- Visit my other friends thoughts on Thanksgiving by clicking the #letsblogoff button at the top of this post and checking out their links. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Find - Taste Explosion

With the Christmas gift season right around the corner, here is a good suggestion for a fun office gift or stocking stuffer. Sold at the Yanko Designer Store, the Taste Explosion Salt and Pepper Shakers will "add a boom to your dining room".

For a cool 16 bucks, your friends will enjoy these porcelain kitchen accessories for years. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A red poppy for Veteran's Day


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.

- John McCrae

The entire Cupboards family encourages everyone to take a few moments today and remember those who offered themselves to the service of our great country. We could not have the opportunities and livelihoods we have without those willing to fight for the freedoms we so often take for granted.

Not only today, but especially today, thank a veteran you know for their service and think of those who sacrificed everything for our country.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Colorfully Steppin'

There's nothing better than smart use of color where it's least expected. Here are a few of the colorful spaces- especially when I'm thinking of a stairway to heaven... get it? I'm so witty.


This space makes me exceptionally happy. From the white plank floor to mix of new and old, coloring the stairway gives a seemingly plain space tons of charm.

What Auburn or Florida fan wouldn't love to have an Orange and Blue painted stairway runner? I fully expect to see one of these soon.

Because a hue of turquoise makes everything better. This makes me quite happy.

Not so much color, and even though I really have to think about whether I like words on walls and such, I like this because it's kind of subtle and not what one normally sees.

I really do like this and I think that just like a painted line on a street, you'd walk just in the direction you should(hopefully missing the other set of stairs).

But when you can't decide on one color, do them all!

One of my all-time favorites, the Pantone staircase screams designer to me. Also, saves the strange conversation when a dinner guest asks for the specific paint color you've used.

When paint isn't readily available, one can always just tape their stairs. I can't imagine the time(and patience) this took.

So there you have it, should be your dose of color for the day!