Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Etsy Find: Atelier 688 Manila Rope Lights

If you've been reading the blog lately, you already know that I've been on a big lighting kick. I'm not one for overly traditional lights so when something truly unique pops up I have to share.

Etsy is one of my favorite sites. I try not to shop Etsy at work because I'd hardly get anything done at all- there's a ton of great stuff on there.

I happened across these lights looking at fixtures one day...

The lights come in 12' sections but the seller clarifies that other lengths could be made. If only I had a saloon...

I really can't say enough about how much I like these... I'd want to pair them with some awesome monofilament bulbs(as long as I could find some that wouldn't get too hot).

Like them? You can have them, too... Buy them here.


  1. Those are rather clever. They remind me of some milk bottle lights my friend bought. They would look good in one of those abandon warehouse style lofts.

  2. Thanks, Brian- I agree completely... Loft or other former industrial space would make a great home for these lights.

  3. Those are truly unique and I, too, agree that they would require the right space to be used to their best advantage.

  4. I could see these in maybe in an Oyster House ... but I feel that I must be too limited as a designer to find a reason to use these. They seem to temporary or disposable and that is at odds with the basic approach of what I think I am trying to do.

  5. Todd- Agree completely.

    Bob- Oyster house, yes! Don't feel limited... pieces like these need very specific spaces.
