Thursday, May 10, 2012

You Might Have Acrophobic Paruresis

Don't know what that means?

At some point most people have been in a public potty and had some sort of shy streak and not been able to "go"... that's paruresis.

Imagine being invited to a party at a posh Mexican penthouse... You're socializing and responsibly imbibing and suddenly it hits you, "I should run to the loo."

You ask for directions to the potty and are suddenly faced with this...


WHAT?! Where do you feel the most safe? I'd likely hold on to the toilet paper holder. Ha!

This bathroom was designed by Hernandez Silva and built in a colonial Mexican building. The bathroom was built over an existing(but currently out-of-use) 15-story elevator shaft. The glass floor and lighting really make the space unique.


  1. That's a little too over the top for me.

  2. And to think I've been calling it shy kidneys/bowels all these years.

    It's a cool bathroom but I think I'd need to be able to turn the lights in the shaft on & off - especially after a few margaritas!

    1. Ha! You'd be falling and spinning at the same time!

  3. Nick, I liked this so much I featured you and it today. :) You fancy-talking designer, you. I learned some new words!

    1. Too kind, dear... I'll never be as fancy as you!

  4. That is totally crazy. I love the little metal cross brace under the glass- just in case!

  5. I love this! Would I really want it in my house? Probably not but if my friend I'd they would earn all kinds of cool points! ;)

    1. It's a wild space... I think I'd like to have it!


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