Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Inspiration - Balancing Barn House

Sometimes architects have a way of making homes appear to do more(or less) than they appear. The Balancing Barn House near Suffolk across the big pond from us over here in the US is one of those homes.

Seeming to teeter on the side of a hill, half of the home is above ground with no supports. Scary?

Check it out:

Check out that swing!

The house is built using a complex frame, along with heavier materials on the "ground side" so that the opposing end can remain open and obstruction free. The exterior is clad in silver panels that give the home a unique reflective quality that mimics the environment around it.

The house sleeps eight and is available as a short term rental. You can stay there! 

Perhaps my favorite feature of the space is the "floor light" in the living room. Those chilling on the sofa can look down beyond the coffee table and see the ground!

I'm ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. This is fairly intense! I'm not sure I like the exterior siding...also not sure I could sleep there without worrying, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I wonder what it feels like to be sitting in the living room with 175 lb + swinging below?


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