Friday, June 10, 2011

KraftMyStyle iPhone App from KraftMaid

If you have an iPhone go immediately and download the KraftMyStyle App from KraftMaid. The KraftMyStyle app allows you to create inspiration boards and gather ideas that will not only allow you to organize your thoughts and gather what you like, but also help your designer to create a space that best fits your personality and personal style!

Take a look:

Pretty awesome, huh?

Use the KraftMyStyle app and choose from your own photos(snap a picture where ever you are inspired) or photos from KraftMaid's Inspiration Photos.

I couldn't help but throw one together myself....

It really is quite easy and allows one to see lots of elements at one time. Sure beats an old-fashioned mood board!

Try it out... after you get done you can even post your boards to Facebook and share them with your friends and family. More importantly, share them with your kitchen designer. They'll thank you! 

You have no excuse. Go to the App Store and get it. Best part? It's FREE!


  1. Hey Nick, thanks for sharing! This can be used in so many realms of design, I'm on my way to the App Store now!

  2. Love this app idea. I need to give it a try. Thanks for sharing with me on Twitter, Anne.

  3. Thanks Anne and Kate- I know you will really enjoy the app!

  4. People always seeks for something new in their app, the features of seeing more elements at the same time is awesome which everyone is going to love it.

    iPhone Applications


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