Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Inspiration - Not Just a Log Pile

Novelty isn't a bad thing. When a space or building has a personality and talking points of its own and still functions as a highly refined area it's all the better.

I've always been a big fan of having a separate work and home space. I'm for sure the pot calling the kettle black because I'm typing this from my kitchen table. If you have the ability and opportunity to take your work stuff out of your house do it!

This awesome little building was built by Piet Hein Eek for his pal Hans Liberg in The Netherlands. Hans uses it as a recording studio. Takes the log cabin concept to all new levels!

The pale blue interior not only opens up the small space, but provides a calm environment for knocking out those to-do lists(surely I'm not the only one that makes at least one list a day).

With the push toward small living and minimizing environmental impact, this work space is surely a hit. Now that many people can work from home thanks to web and tele-commuting, this would be the sweetest office on the block!

Would it go well in your back yard?


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