Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maria Yasko- Movin' to Moomin Valley

Just one day after a fantastic Interior Design Chat(#IntDesignerChat) on Twitter that focused entirely on color, my head is still spinning! I thought this would be a perfect time to share a VERY colorful set of designs from the very talented Russian designer, Maria Yasko.

Each day we draw inspiration from the world around us, whether it be from a colorful dessert(my favorite), books we read, flowers and trees, on and on. Yasko used the Moomin Valley series of children's books written and illustrated by Swedish-speaking, Finnish author Tove Jannson. 

The space is a children's recreation center and Yasko creates a space that is delightfully other-worldly. Check her use of color!

Wild, huh!?

After seeing this I did a bit more research wondering just how Yasko could transform a home... Equally impressive.

Very refreshing spaces on a day filled with color! 


  1. Wild, wacky, playful and a lot of fun. But, I can't see it working in too many spaces.

  2. Whoa. Not for me, but super cool. The best part - you like colorful desserts! Krasnaya! (that's Russian for beautiful & red).

  3. Wow, its Willy Wonka IRL! High stimulation... but can you eat it? heh. Cindy @urbanverse

  4. Thanks for the comments, guys. Definitely has its spot... somewhere.

    I like the "Willy Wonka in real life", Cindy... Good call!

  5. That rec center is breathtaking! WOW!

  6. Hey Nick I want this for my future children that you are going to babysit!! Tiff


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