Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tailgate Thursday - Dead Man Tailgates!

Autumnal Saturdays around the country bring out the best tailgaters to ever see a football game. Some are decidedly more creative than others.

What does a tailgater need? Grill, cooler, place for a serving line... Sounds good right?

And then came this...

Nice, huh? Leave it to an industrious morgue employee Auburn follower to take fandom to a whole new level(beyond the grave, perhaps).

I need to find this tailgate soon... It's almost Halloween, after all!


  1. You turn your nose up at pallets, but caskets get a thumbs up? It IS new and not "used," right?

  2. Hahaha! No rules at the tailgate! I'm sticking by my pallet angst, though.

  3. Total guy post! You score points for topic creativity.

  4. Thanks, Gloria! It's cooking.... kind of... that goes on a kitchen blog, right?

  5. I'm hoping only new caskets get the thumbs up, hahaha. Great post!

  6. Right there with you, Sandy... it's okay for some things to be new!


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